Canadian Session

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A large coalition of organizations from Quebec, Canada and overseas is working to create a session of the Permanent People’s Tribunal (PPT) on the Canadian Mining Industry for 2014-2016. The question we are asking is: why are today’s extractive industries a major cause of human rights abuses and environmental damages?

Canada is at the heart of the international mining industry. Over 75% of all registered mining companies are headquartered in Canada. Why do we have such a prominent place in the industry? The Canadian session of the PPT will examine the roles and responsibilities of two types of actors: the mining companies and the institutions of the Canadian State that contribute, through diverse political and economic mechanisms, to the expansion of the industry.

The Tribunal is meant to be an instrument for research, visibility and exchange for peoples and communities affected by mining activities in Canada and abroad. Witnesses and experts will be invited to testify before  a jury composed of public figures from various countries and with diverse professional backgrounds and  expertise. It will be the first session of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal to be held in Canada.

Our coalition is made up of international solidarity organizations, ecological, feminist and indigenous peoples’ groups, labour unions, academic research groups and human rights organizations. The first hearing of the Canadian session will address Canadian mining activity in Latin America. Our plan is to carry out other geographically-focused hearings in the upcoming years.

By taking the lead in demanding their rights, affected communities are asserting their role as protagonists who are actively defending their right to social and environmental justice!

