Educational tools

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Following the hearing of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal in Montreal held in 2014, several communications and educational materials were developed so as to keep informing, reflecting and mobilizing around the issues linked with the systemic human rights abuses committed by transnational extractive corporations.

You will find below various documents that can be used in educational activities and other information purposes. Enjoy the materials!

Official documents of the Peoples’ Tribunal


Educational tools


Myths and Realities of the Canadian Mining Industry

Myths_EN_web-page-001In the light of the cases presented before the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal, this document seeks to encourage a critical examination of certain assumptions about the Canadian mining industry. Through the
short presentation of eight myths related to mining, we aim to share alternative perspectives of the impacts as experienced by affected communities.

Implementing mining projects within a territory causes multiple social and environmental disruptions. In the absence of un-biased, comprehensive and independent information sources on Canadian mining projects, the effects of mining processes are often difficult to assess. The discourse of mining companies and governments rarely contribute to understanding of the issues involved. The mining industry possesses an arsenal of public communication tools, allowing it to promise numerous benefits and to promote its own approach social responsibility programs. What do we know of the real impacts?

-> Download the booklet in English, French or Spanish


Récits de saccages et de résistance: entreprises minières canadiennes en Amérique latine (in French)


Through ink drawings realized by Mai Simard, this document addresses different socio-environmental impacts and human rights violations observed by the communities affected by 4 Canadian mining projects examined by the Peoples’ Tribunal:

– Goldcorp (San Martin mine, Honduras)
– Tahoe Resources (Escobal mine, Guatemala)
– Blackfire Exploration (Payback mine, Mexico)
– Barrick Gold (Pascua Lama mine, Chile-Argentina)


-> Download the booklet (in French)





“Las mujeres resistiendo las agresiones de la minería”. Summary of the workshop organized during the Peoples’ Tribunal by Women of Diverse Origins, the International Women Alliance (IWA) and the Committee for Human Rights in Latin America (CDHAL). Published on July 22, 2014 for the International Day against large-scale mining. (Available in Spanish and French)

« Les minières et l’État canadien au banc des accusés : retour sur le Tribunal des peuples », Nouveaux Cahiers du Socialisme, section Bilan des luttes, no. 13, hiver 2015.  Éva Mascolo-Fortin, Marie-Ève Campbell, Marie-Ève Marleau, Thérèse Guay, Florence Tiffou et Rocío Barba (in French).

« Le Tribunal permanent des peuples : retour sur une expérience de mobilisation et d’apprentissage », Caminando, no. 29, 2014. Éva Mascolo-Fortin et Marie-Ève Marleau (in French).



Lina Solano Ortiz (in Spanish) of the Frente de Mujeres Defensoras de la Pachamama, Ecuador, on the impacts of mining on women and women’s resistance to extractivism:

Alain Deneault (in French) on the economic and fiscal mechanisms through which Canada supports the mining industry

HispanTV on the Peoples’ Tribunal (in Spanish): “Mineras canadienses violan derechos humanos en América Latina”:

What is the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal?

See more videos on the Youtube channel of the Peoples’ Tribunal