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Lina Solano Ortiz (in Spanish) of the Frente de Mujeres Defensoras de la Pachamama, Ecuador, on the impacts of mining on women and women’s resistance to extractivism:

Alain Deneault (in French) on the economic and fiscal mechanisms through which Canada supports the mining industry

HispanTV on the Peoples’ Tribunal (in Spanish): “Mineras canadienses violan derechos humanos en América Latina”:

What is the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal?

The People’s Tribunal on the Canadian Mining Industry: Day 1 – CUTV

The People’s Tribunal on the Canadian Mining Industry: Day 2 – CUTV

The People’s Tribunal on the Canadian Mining Industry: Final Day (with Verdict) – CUTV

See more videos on the Youtube channel of the Peoples’ Tribunal